R/W post #13

    Throughout this course we were expected to keep a blog each week with prompts that aligned our learning to our entries. The blog entries in the beginning of the course had me address my own practices in regards to reading and writing. As we progress the blogs address my growth through the readings and expert workshops. Some of my favorite blogs were the bless, address, and press where we had the opportunity to look through our peers work and then comment on their work. 

    These opportunities helped me address the student learning outcomes located in our syllabus. The first outcome was that I will gain the knowledge in a variety of modes, genres, and formats for reading and writing. Through these blog entries I was able to dive deeper into the genres we were learning about in Tompkins and workshops and evaluate my understanding. The second goal was about my understanding in the role of purpose and audience in writing. This goal was crucial throughout our genre pieces project but was also explored throughout each workshop which I had the opportunity to reflect upon and practice in my own blog entries. The third goal was developing cognitive processes and strategies of reading and writing which I was able to further explore through my blogs. In one blog I explored a strategy for persuasive teaching that has students persuade their chairs to come off strike, this engaging strategy to this type of writing is one way I have been able to demonstrate this growth. The fourth learning outcome was related to the relationship between the writing and reading processes, and the fifth goal was understanding the role of metacognition in writing and reading. Both which we got to further explore through writing workshop weekly and reflect upon our learning as we blogged about our growth as a writer. The final learning outcome was in relation to assessment and evaluation in developing students as composers. This was a huge step for me as I received feedback through both the professor and through my classmates. This helped me grow as a writer. I also was able to provide this to other classmates as I blogged in the bless, address, and press entries. 

    Outside of the learning goals, I learned to be a better writer. I began to truly understand the writing process and all of the behind the scenes steps that go into a piece. I have been able to use this knowledge in my other classes as well as in my teaching placement. This blog has allowed for me to reflect upon my growth as a writer and as a teacher and see how I have confronted my own assumptions. 

